“Wisdom begins with honoring the Lord. Those who obey him can expect success. Praises will be sung to him forever.” Psalm 111:10
Further Information: +263 77 210 0838
  • Premium Education

    Fambisai Christian

    Empowering students to acquire, articulate and demonstrate knowledge
    and skills that will help them to participate in the professional world.
About Us

Raising the next generation of leaders guided by christian values.

Fambisai Christian Academy is a middle-income private academy. It is located in Gutu, Mupandawana urban, wholly owned by Mr. T Dzinotizei. It is a newly established private school. The purpose of this academy is to complement the demand for high quality education in Gutu.

Our focus is not on the A* students alone, our sole purpose is to produce a child who is locally empowered and internationally able, a child who is a sensitive leader and can take lead in whatever they choose to do in the future. And as our name suggest, We’re an independent private institution whose morals and principles are Christian based.

  • Christian values
  • Academic
  • Open mindedness
How to enroll with us

Registration Process

Step 1

Get in contact with the admissions office at [email protected] / [email protected] to enquire about the registration process or contact office number 0788613125 and request an application form.

Step 2

Fill in the necessary information on the application form.

Step 3

Submit the application form at the school office with the application fee.


What we Offer

Boarding School

We offer boarding places for students for all students . Accommodation is offered on campus where children are housed in dormitories which consists of several rooms equipped with furniture including beds.

Day School

Students can also study as day scholars, and this open for children from ECD through to form 3. Subjects relating to life skills have been incorporated into the school curriculum and are taught to all grades. Our offerings are listed below.

3-5 years

Early Childhood Development

We offer wholistic Education for the young ones who are just getting started with school. We offer Day Care and Nursery services, including on Weekends. Lessons can either be for a full day or from 8am to 1pm.
6-12 years

FCA Primary School

Our primary school caters for students between the ages of 3 and 12 years i.e students from Grade 1 to 7. We equip them with the knowledge to excel in both the Grade 7 Zimsec and Cambridge Exams. Subjects constitute of Science, English and Mathematics
13-16 years

FCA Senior School

is a private co-educational academy designed to motivate and challenge all learners from Form 1 - Form 3 in a Christian based environment
Primary Checkpoint (1-6)

English, Science, Mathematics

Both day scholar and boarding places offered Academic curriculum at Fambisai Christian Academy has been designed to prepare fully students for both Zimsec and Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Examinations. Subjects relating to life skills have been incorporated into the school curriculum such as Career Guidance and Christian Education which are both taught to all grades.
Extra Curricular activities

Outdoor games

volleyball, tennis, netball etc

Indoor games

darts, table tennis etc

Upcoming events

Annual General meeting

Consultation Day

World Health Day


Closing day